Friday, December 10, 2010

Evolution and religion

Dear M.,

I have little fear of offending D. because ...

1.  I am friends with him.  I have interacted with him.  I know how he takes things and I know that he likes to debate.

2.  You can't be in a room with D. more than 3 minutes without him taking shots at evolution (which he calls "evilution") or dominating the discussion with his views.

3.  D. thinks that the Earth does not rotate or move (because the Bible tells him so), so I regard his beliefs as a bit irrational.  He also believes in conspiracy theories.  So I don't mind if I push his buttons a little bit.  He certainly tries to push mine.  I pointed out to D. that some people think that the Earth is flat because they think that the Bible tells them so:

Since this is a sensitive topic that people get emotional about (and I understand your reason for writing a lengthy email), I want to broach this topic by making the point that I don't want to offend you in any way.  I still value your friendship.    I feel that I should respond to your email nevertheless.

I read "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" quite some time ago.  I thought that it was weak.

I have heard preachers say that once you are "saved" that you cannot be unsaved.  This is possibly supported by ..., but clearly people like me once believed and  turned away.

I see repeatedly a notion that "intellectuals" or "smart people" are non believers in Christianity only because the property of being smart has made them too smart for their own good.  In reality, someone like myself (who claims to be an intellectual of sorts) has studied all the facts and come to a rather obvious conclusion.  

I have no problem in believing in a God that cares about us.  I don't know if it is true, but I have no problem with believing in the concept.  Nevertheless, I am certain that the God of the Bible is not that God.  (I am somewhere between Agnostic and Pantheist.  I am comfortable with not knowing for sure, because I don't think that the answers are handed to us on a silver platter.)

Here is the point:  Do you think that the children that biblical-God supposedly murdered or had murdered at his behest deserved to die?

I sent D. some links that you did not see.  I am sure that he did not watch the videos, because he refuses to watch anything counter to his view.   These videos accurately reflect things that I have thought about for decades...

If you watch these videos, then I assume that you will have some doubts about your beliefs.  I find it absurd that anyone would try to provide "evidence" to support this version of a God.

Best wishes,

John Coffey

Dearest John,
How do you reconcile evolution with one of the only 2 laws of physics that have NO KNOWN EXCEPTIONS:
Entropy.  (Gravity being the other one).
If things are evolving they should be evolving toward simpler organisms, according to evolution.  Believing otherwise is like believing anvils occasionally fly up of their own accord and smash into the sun.


To M:

I get asked the entropy question quite a bit.

Entropy is the tendency of a closed system to move toward disorder.  The Earth is not a closed system because it gets energy from the sun.  You also would move toward disorder if you could not get energy from food. If what you claimed were true, you would not be able to go from child to adult. 

John Coffey

1 comment:

  1. Brother John

    I am learning how to use blogs. You wrote M:

    "I sent D. some links that you did not see. I am sure that he did not watch the videos, because he refuses to watch anything counter to his view. These videos accurately reflect things that I have thought about for decades..."

    John, I have studied evilution since the 9th grade at South High School, Denver, Colorado in 1948 many years before you were born. I was born a creationist as every human being is born. When we refuse to believe anything God tells us or shows us He turns down the light of truth in our lives.

    When I was 18 in 1952 my first son was born and when the nurse first placed him in my hands I said: "Someone has been lying to me! This did not take 9 billion, million, thousand, hundred or even 9 years! It only took 9 months from a fertilized egg to this living, breathing, human being!" As I said this God turned the light on again and 2 years later I heard the gospel for the first time and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me and I was born again and I began walking in the light of the Word of God. Every time I have doubted anything God says in the Bible He turns the light down and when I have repented He turns it up again.

    I was taught theistic evolution in the Baptist Church where I was baptized and five point Calvinism. But I was reading the Bible every day and evolution went down the drain of doubt! Then the petals of the Tulip of Calvinism began to fall off one by one!

    As to your videos I have seen many such attempts to prove evolution but it is totally impossible! You cannot evolve honey bees without flowers and you cannot have more than 100 crops and flowers without honey bees! I studied honey bees with my mother's father from 1942 to 1945. I challenge you to do the same!

    The Bible does not have even one verse that would hint that the earth is flat! The words: "East and West" occur 37 times in the Bible and "Flat Earth" not once!

    You wrote: "I have heard preachers say that once you are "saved" that you cannot be unsaved. This is possibly supported by ..., but clearly people like me once believed and turned away.

    You had an intellectual belief but I doubt you were ever really born again. You could establish a relationship with the Creator of the Universe in a moment of time by asking Him IF He is real! You turned away, turn back now! I do love you and really do want to play chess with you forever!

    Brother Dean
